Bourbonnais Elementary School District is looking for educators to join our amazing team! Don't delay, submit your online application today!
7 months ago, Andrew Burton
Openings at Liberty
Last IN-PERSON Registartion for B53! Thursday, August 1st from 10:00AM to 6:00PM. Please note a change in date from previous posts. After providing the residency documents, you will need your Skyward login. If you do not know your Skyward login, we can reset the password at the event. *You will not be able to log into Skyward to register until the residency requirements are met* Further information can be found on our district website at
7 months ago, Kari Moulton
Registartion and Residency Requirements
Spanish Residency Requirements
B53 Families: Our next IN-PERSON Registration Date is on Wednesday, July 10th. We will have different operating hours for this event: 7:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. After providing the residency documents, you will need your Skyward login. If you do not know your Skyward login, we can reset the password at the event. *You will not be able to log into Skyward to register until the residency requirements are met* Further information can be found on our district website at
7 months ago, Kari Moulton
Registration Information
Registration Information in Spanish
B53 Families: Our next IN-PERSON Registration Date is ONE week away, on Wednesday, July 10th. We will have different operating hours for this event: 7:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. After providing the residency documents, you will need your Skyward login. If you do not know your Skyward login, we can reset the password at the event. *You will not be able to log into Skyward to register until the residency requirements are met* Further information can be found on our district website at
8 months ago, Kari Moulton
Registration Requirements
Registration Requirements in Spanish
LOCATION CHANGE FOR FREE SUMMER MEALS: Now at Liberty Intermediate School starting tomorrow, July 2nd BESD53 will participate in the Free Summer Meals Program again this year. This program is open to all kids 18 or younger in Kankakee County. Breakfast and Lunch will be served Monday through Friday, June 4 - June 28th at Alan Shepard and July 2 - August 16th at the Liberty Intermediate. Please see the Flyer for further details!
8 months ago, Kari Moulton
Free Summer Meals Flyer
Free Summer Meals Flyer in Spanish
B53 Families: Our next IN-PERSON Registration Date is in two weeks, on Wednesday, July 10th. We will have different operating hours for this event: 7:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. After providing the residency documents, you will need your Skyward login. If you do not know your Skyward login, we can reset the password at the event. *You will not be able to log into Skyward to register until the residency requirements are met* Further information can be found on our district website at
8 months ago, Kari Moulton
Registration Information
Spainish Registartion information
Don't have plans for dinner tonight? Now you do! Be sure to mention this flyer and 10% of your order will be donated back to B53 Athletics.
8 months ago, Andrew Burton
Texas Roadhouse Dine to Donate
REMINDER: The District will be closed tomorrow, June 19th, 2024, in observance of Juneteenth. This includes the Free Summer Meal Program for Breakfast and Lunch hosted at Alan Shepard Elementary School.
8 months ago, BESD53 District Office
Looking to get your business or organization in front of thousands of community members? Here is your opportunity to advertise with Bourbonnais Elementary School District! Check out our yearly subscriptions and see how we can promote your business. Question? email:
8 months ago, Andrew Burton
Advertising Packages
BESD Families, Please join us for our next In-Person Registration Event for the 2024-25 School Year on Wednesday, July 10th. We will have different operating hours for this event: 7:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. After providing the residency documents, you will need your Skyward login. If you do not know your Skyward login, we can reset the password at the event. *You will not be able to log into Skyward to register until the residency requirements are met* Further information can be found on our district website at
8 months ago, BESD53 District Office
Spanish registration flyer
Registration Flyer for July 10th
BESD53 will participate in the Free Summer Meals Program again this year. This program is open to all kids 18 or younger in Kankakee County. Breakfast and Lunch will be served Monday through Friday, June 4 - June 28th at Alan Shepard and July 1 - August 16th at the Upper Grade Center. Please see the Flyer for further details!
9 months ago, BESD53 District Office
Free Sumer Meals Flyer
Free Summer Meals FLyer-SPanish
Bourbonnais Elementary is looking for educators to join our amazing team! Don't delay, submit your online application today!
9 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
We are hiring flyer assorted teacher position
Bourbonnais Elementary is looking to hire Bus Drivers and Bus Aides to join our amazing team! Don't delay, submit your online application today!
9 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Now hiring bus drivers and bus aides
Good luck to our BUGC Track and Field athletes as they compete at the state track meet! Go Tigers!
9 months ago, Andrew Burton
track athletes
Be sure to register for upcoming tryouts! Students who are interested in trying out need to have an up to date sports physical on file and be registered online. Register here: Questions/ Need Assistance: email: Go Tigers!
9 months ago, Andrew Burton
cheer tryout information
cross country tryout information
softball tryout information
BUGC baseball tryout information
Parents: We are excited to announce that BESD 53 is participating in Speak Up! This survey will help us answer questions, such as: • How are our students using technology for learning in and out of school? • How important is the use of technology to our teachers and parents? What types of technology do our teachers find of value and how are they using it in the classroom? • Do our ideas about technology align with our students’ parents? Taking the survey is easy! Plan to spend approximately 20 minutes. Survey Link: We look forward to BESD 53’s strong participation in Speak Up! Be sure to take the survey by May 24th, 2024. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
9 months ago, Kari Moulton
picture of a pencil, gears, and survey
Let's Taco'Bout our Amazing employees! We loved celebrating our employees with a walking taco bar for our April Appreciation Event. 🌮🌮
10 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Taco food
Dr. Ehrman dressed in poncho with maracas
taco party
Officer Garcia eating taco bar
Lunch lady playing maracas
Levasseur employee at taco bar
Lynn in poncho serving the taco bar
CO ladies serving taco bar
Bourbonnais Elementary is looking to hire custodians to join our amazing team! Don't delay, submit your online application today!
10 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Hiring custodian flyer
Bourbonnais Elementary is looking for educators and support staff to join our amazing team! Don't delay , submit your online application today!
10 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Hiring flyer
School Resource Officer Cox supporting April Autism Acceptance Month! Officer Cox, along with many other members of the Bourbonnais Police Department, are wearing a colorful puzzle Police patch on the back of their uniforms to raise awareness about autism acceptance and to promote inclusion and connectedness for people with autism. Social and community support can help people with autism reach their full potential.
10 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Office Cox Autism police badge
Officer Cox entering Central Office
Autism Awareness logo
Officer Cox getting into patrol car