Due to today's power outage causing BUGC not to be in session, some Shabbona bus routes may be impacted by earlier than normal arrival times to bus stops. Buses that may be impacted are: 2; 3; 9; 10; 14; 15 and 16. Please be prepared that some of these buses may arrive to bus stops 10-20 minutes earlier than normal.
1 day ago, Scott Austin
We wanted to make you aware that Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center experienced an electrical event this morning, resulting in a complete loss of power. The utility provider has indicated that repairs could take approximately four hours from now. Unfortunately, due to the lack of power and the time required for repairs, we will need to cancel school today, THURSDAY, February 13 for Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center. We understand this is an inconvenience and appreciate your understanding as we prioritize safety and a proper learning environment. Thank you for your flexibility, and we will keep you updated if there are any additional developments.
1 day ago, BESD53 District Office
Dear Bourbonnais Elementary School District Families, Due to the winter storm forecasted to impact our area, we will be implementing a Schedule A – Early Dismissal for tomorrow, Wednesday, February 12, 2025, to prioritize the safety of our students and staff. While we cannot predict the weather with certainty, the current forecast provides enough data to warrant precautionary measures, and we appreciate your cooperation and patience. Schedule A - 3 Hour Release: Liberty: 7:30 AM – 10:30 AM BUGC: 8:05 AM – 11:10 AM Shabbona: 8:10 AM – 11:10 AM LeVasseur/Shepard: 8:45 AM – 11:45 AM No AM or PM Pre-K Community Services (Speech,OT/PT, etc.): Appointments in the afternoon will be rescheduled We understand that this may be a disruption to family schedules, but we hope that providing this information early allows for necessary preparations to be made. At this time, we anticipate that school will be in regular session on Thursday, February 13, 2025. As a reminder, we only send out communications if there is a change to the normal school schedule. Since we currently expect a regular school day on Thursday, no additional communication will be sent unless adjustments are necessary. We will assess road conditions after the storm, and if any changes to the schedule are needed, we will notify families as soon as possible. Please stay safe, use caution while traveling, and thank you for your understanding and support. Sincerely, Dr. Adam Ehrman
3 days ago, BESD53 District Office
Attention please update image
Dear Bourbonnais Elementary School District Families, Due to hazardous icy conditions affecting roadways and sidewalks, we have decided on a two (2) hour delayed start for schools today, Thursday, February 6, 2025, to ensure the safety of our students and staff.​  **No Half Day Pre-K** Information regarding school activities and events will be communicated by our athletic director and/or coaches at a later time. Please stay safe and use caution while traveling. Thank you for your understanding and support.​ 
9 days ago, Caitlin Smith
Dear Bourbonnais Elementary School Families, Due to dangerously low temperatures expected during the morning hours on Tuesday, January 21st, we have made the decision to close schools to ensure the safety of our students and staff. Information regarding school activities and events will be communicated by our athletic director and/or coaches at a later time. Please stay safe and warm. Thank you for your understanding and support. Sincerely, Dr. Adam Ehrman Superintendent
26 days ago, BESD53 District Office
school Closure flyer
Congratulations to Dr. Duggan on his retirement as Assistant Superintendent. We appreciate all of his hard work and dedication to our students and staff. He will be greatly missed!
about 2 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Jim Duggan with cupcakes at his retirement party
Thank you, Let's Ketchup for the $3,000 donation! Let’s Ketchup is a local non-profit dedicated to helping students and families in need by paying off student lunch debt in our community. They believe no child should have to worry about unpaid lunch balances, and no family should have to choose between essential expenses and their child’s school meals. Let’s Ketchup works with schools, like B53, to identify and pay off outstanding lunch debt. By partnering with caring individuals and organizations, they bring the community together to support families and ensure every student can focus on learning, not lunch balances.
about 2 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Let's Ketchup donating $3000. towards B53 lunch fees
Good morning! As a long time member of Success By 6 I wanted to share this great programming option for the holidays. Success By 6 is excited to announce a first step in our goal to create more parent-geared programming in 2025. We continue to hear that caregivers are looking for places to find community and free activities for little ones during the winter months. We will offer regular hours for Connect & Plan starting in January - stay tuned for more details! _________________________________________ 🎄Holiday Connect & Play Hours with Success By 6 ⛄ Monday, December 30th + Friday, January 3rd from 9:30 - 11:30 AM Hosted at: Community Cup - 900 W Jeffery St, Kankakee The holidays can be overwhelming, and many of us may be looking for things to do while schools and childcare centers are closed. We want to offer a safe place to get out of the cold and have fun! Join us for the debut of “Connect & Play” hours, where you'll find: FREE coffee and fun holiday crafts for kiddos A safe environment for parents and kids ages 0-5 A chance to build friendships with other families No registration needed. Connect & Play hours are open for you to pop in whenever works best for you. Please share this with friends and families you work with! Any questions can be sent here.
2 months ago, James Duggan
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10TH: Liberty buses may be 10 minutes late arriving home this afternoon as we were delayed loading due to a field trip.
2 months ago, Scott Austin
FRIDAY, DECEMEBER 6: The Transportation Department is short staffed today and we are needing to be creative with some routing to transport our students to and from school. Today students who ride BUS 7 ONLY may experience a 10-15 minute pick-up and drop-off delay. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes and appreciate your patience during this time.
2 months ago, Scott Austin
Cinna-WOW! is what we heard about our November Employee Appreciation Event. Cinna-Bites from Rustic Roots Bakehouse was delivered to staff and enjoyed by all.
3 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Roary the tiger with a cinnabite
Steve delivering cinnabites
Adam and Teacher holding cinnabite
Adam and Anna Flowers  holding a cinnabite
Attention School Districts, Community Groups and Churches Bourbonnais Elementary School District 53 has been awarded A grant to provide parent / caregiver information sessions throughout Kankakee County. Project SUN has been hired to work with school districts, community groups and churches to choose dates and coordinate with the speakers. Please contact Anne King anne@cfkrv.org at Project SUN or Erica Galloy galloyel@besd53.org at BESD 53 to learn more and schedule events.
3 months ago, James Duggan
IDPH Grant
UPDATE: 2:50 pm: Thursday, November 21: If your students ride bus 1 & 8 they will be late getting home this afternoon. Buses 1 & 8 were delayed returning to town from an elementary building field trip which unfortunately has delayed their afternoon routes. We apologize for the inconvenience.
3 months ago, Scott Austin
Thursday, November 21: If your students ride bus 1 & 8 from Liberty School they will be approx. 10 minutes late getting home this afternoon. Bus 1 & 8 are delayed returning into town from a field trip and students are being held in cafeteria at Liberty until the buses arrive. We apologize for the inconvenience.
3 months ago, Scott Austin
Congratulations to our very own Tom Hahs. What an Outstanding Accomplishment!!
3 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
article about an employee Tom Hahs
Award picture of Tom Hahs
Kankakee High School is hosting a Gaming Tournament for all youth ages 12-18 in Kankakee County. November 20th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at 1200 W. Jeffrey St. $5 Registration Fee.
4 months ago, James Duggan
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31: The Transportation Department is short staffed today and we are needing to be creative with some routing to transport out students to and from school. Today students who ride BUS 7 ONLY may experience a 10-15 minute pick-up and drop-off delay. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes and appreciate your patience during this time.
4 months ago, Scott Austin
The District Office served up a bowl of ooey, gooey deliciousness for our October Employee Appreciation Event. Warm Caramel, Milk and White Chocolate drizzled on an Apple with a variety of toppings was a HUGE hit with the staff. "Best one yet" was a comment shared by many!
4 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Lynn with a halloween back drop with a table of toppings
Coach Gamble bobbing for apples out of a tub
Coach Arlis making a caramel apple
teachers grabbing apples
Dr Ehrman laughing while serving apples
loaded apples with lots of candy and sweets
smoldering Cauldron
apple bobbing pail
Bus driver with a sweet apple treat
spooky treat teacher with her apple treat
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29: The Transportation Department is short staffed today and we must be creative with some routing to transport out students to and from school. Today students who ride BUS 7 ONLY may experience a 10-15 minute pick-up and drop-off delay. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes and appreciate your patience during this time.
4 months ago, Scott Austin
Kankakee Coyotes Hockey Club A day of fun on the ice!
4 months ago, Marelyn Jenco
Hockey club event flyer at ice valley