Letter to Parents and Community Members on School Closing - April 17, 2020 https://5il.co/f8dy
about 4 years ago, Director of Technology
Kankakee Project Sun is offering a very important webinar on suicide prevention titled "More Than Sad." It is scheduled for Thursday, April 23 from 5:00-6:30 PM. More Than Sad is designed to help parents, caregivers, teachers, and community members recognize signs of mental illness in teens. Further details can be found in the attached flier. Register online before April 23 at: bit.ly/AprilParentCafe2020.
about 4 years ago, James Duggan
Program Flyer
Dear BESD 53 Families, starting tomorrow morning we will have links to live helpers available every remote learning day for students in grades K-4. Here is a link to the page/schedule. https://www.besd53.org/o/district/page/zoom-student-help-line Click on the link during the time listed and ask your question to the teacher or teacher assistant. Please be patient as this is new for everyone:)
about 4 years ago, James Duggan
Actualización familiar para el 8 de abril de 2020 https://tinyurl.com/v8qwerk
about 4 years ago, James Duggan
Hi, please view the the link for an update from BESD 53. https://tinyurl.com/qth5nk6
about 4 years ago, James Duggan
Hola, para obtener el desayuno y el almuerzo en la próxima semana, las horas de recogida de “Grab and Go” serán las mismas (del 6 al 9 de abril). Puede recoger comidas por 3 días, lunes, martes o miércoles de 10:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. Estas comidas serán las mismas. A continuación, puede recoger 2 comidas diferentes el jueves. No habrá recogida de comida el viernes. Las comidas se distribuyen desde el Shepard MPR. Ingrese por el patio de recreo. Puertas más cercanas a Convent St. ¡Gracias!
about 4 years ago, James Duggan
Hi, breakfast and lunch Grab and Go pick up times will be the same next week (April 6th to 9th) You may pick up 3 days worth of meals Monday, Tuesday OR Wednesday between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm. These meals will be the same. You may then pick up 2 different meals on Thursday. There will be no food pick up on Friday. Meals are being distributed from the Shepard MPR. Please enter through the playground.doors closest to Convent St. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, James Duggan
Hi. A quick reminder that you can pick up a Chromebook today at BUGC between 5 and 7 pm. You can also pick up work packets and/or drop off completed packets at all schools between 5 pm and 7pm today. We strongly encourage you to use the electronic option if you can. Your student will get much quicker feedback and it is safer as you do not need to go out. All resources can be found on the remote learning page at www.besd53.org. Thanks!!!
about 4 years ago, James Duggan
Shepard Lobby
You may pick-up 2 meals today (Thursday) for any child 0-18 years old who lives within BESD 53 boundaries. Pick-up is at Shepard School in the MPR, off of the playground, 10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. There will be no food distribution tomorrow (Friday).
about 4 years ago, Director of Technology
Any child 0-18 years old, living within the district boundaries, may pick-up breakfast and lunch at Shepard School, Monday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m.-noon. Pick-up is in the MPR by the playground.
about 4 years ago, Director of Technology
Versión en español de información de aprendizaje remoto. https://tinyurl.com/tkpnjax
about 4 years ago, James Duggan
Please read the linked document for important information regarding school closure and remote learning. https://tinyurl.com/wutrbp4
about 4 years ago, James Duggan
Food pick-up for all district students will be at Shepard again starting Monday, March 30th. There are a few changes. The times will be 10 AM - Noon. You may pick-up 3 days worth of meals Monday, Tuesday OR Wednesday. These meals will be the same. You may then pick-up 2 different meals on Thursday. There will be no food pick-up on Friday. Meals are being distributed from the Shepard MPR. Please enter through the playground.doors closest to Convent St. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Director of Technology
Please read the linked document for BESD53's Shelter in Place information: https://5il.co/e03j
about 4 years ago, Director of Technology
This is a reminder that tomorrow, March 20th, is a scheduled early dismissal day. We will be following the Schedule B dismissal times. Upper Grade and Liberty will dismiss at 1:15 p.m.. Shepard, Shabbona, and LeVasseur will dismiss at 2:00 p.m..
about 4 years ago, Director of Technology
Hi, we have asked our school secretaries to start working from home. Phone calls will be directed to them and they will respond to your messages promptly. The principals are still in the office if you need support from them. Thanks!
about 4 years ago, James Duggan
أولياء الأمور والأوصياء الأعزاء، نشكركم على دعمكم غير العادي خلال الأيام الأخيرة الماضية حيث عملنا معًا على حماية مجتمعنا من وباء فيروس كورونا/ كوفيد-19 المتنامي. لكي نحمي ولاية إلينوي بشكل أفضل من انتشار هذا الفيروس، قرر حاكم الولاية JB Pritzker إعلان إغلاق إلزامي لمباني المدارس كافة، العامة منها والخاصة، والتي تقدم الخدمات للطلاب من مرحلة ما قبل الروضة وحتى الصف 12. وقال الحاكم أن هذه الأيام ستعتبر أيام "كارثة طبيعية" ولن تكون هناك حاجة لتعويضها. يبدأ سريان هذا الإغلاق الإلزامي يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 17 مارس. في الوقت الحالي، نتوقع العودة يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 31 مارس. ستظل وجبات الغذاء والإفطار المجانية أو مخفضة الثمن متاحة لكافة الطلاب المؤهلين. ستكون هذه الوجبات جميعها مصممة لأخذها وتناولها في المنزل وسيتم توزيعها من خلال الغرفة متعددة الأغراض (MPR) في مبنى Alan Shepard. يرجى الدخول من الباب الخلفي لغرفة MPR والكائنة في الجهة الشرقية من المدرسة، من جهة ملعب الأطفال. مع جزيل الشكر د. دجن (Duggan)
about 4 years ago, James Duggan
Thân gởi Phụ Huynh và Người Giám Hộ, Cảm ơn quý vị đã hỗ trợ đặc biệt trong nhiều ngày qua, khi chúng ta đang chung nhau bảo vệ cộng đồng của chúng ta trong đại dịch coronavirus/COVID-19 đang phát triển. Để bảo vệ Illinois khỏi bị siêu vi lây lan, Thống Đốc JB Pritzker đã tuyên bố bắt buộc đóng cửa trường học bao gồm tất cả các tòa nhà, cả công cộng lẫn tư nhân, phục vụ học sinh từ mẫu giáo đến lớp 12. Thống đốc tuyên bố rằng những ngày này là ngày "Đạo Luật của Chúa Trời" và không cần phải đi học bù. Việc bắt buộc đóng cửa này có hiệu lực từ ngày thứ Ba, 17 tháng Ba. Hiện tại, chúng tôi nghĩ sẽ mở cửa lại trường vào ngày thứ Ba, 31 tháng Ba. Các bữa ăn sáng và trưa miễn phí hoặc giảm tiền vẫn có sẵn cho tất cả các học sinh nào đủ điều kiện. Tất cả các bữa ăn sẽ được phân phối theo cách đến lấy rồi đi (grab and go) và sẽ được phân phối qua phòng đa mục đích (multi-purpose room, hay MPR) tại Alan Shepard. Xin vào từ ngõ sau của MPR nằm về hướng đông của trường học, gần sân chơi. Xin cảm ơn Tiến sĩ Duggan
about 4 years ago, James Duggan
STUDENT LOGIN INFO - UPDATE 3/17/2020 Parents/Guardians, If you need to know your student's login information, it can be found in Skyward Family Access in the PORTFOLIO tab under "Student Login Info." If you need further help, please contact your student's teacher. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Director of Technology
Parents/Guardians, If you need to know your student's login information, it is available to you in Skyward Family Access in the Online Forms section. If you need additional assistance, please contact your child's school. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Director of Technology