Liberty parents, tomorrow, Friday June 4th is the last day of school and it is a FULL day for students! Hope you have a great summer!
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty Intermediate - Today students got to throw water balloons at Office Garcia to celebrate good MAP scores!!!
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Early dismissal, Friday May 28th 12:45pm
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty 4th and 5th grade families A link has been emailed to you today in regard to band and orchestra
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty Intermediate - Yearbooks are in!!!! If yearbooks were already dispersed to your students class and you need to see if you ordered one, please call Image Group 815-932-1230. Extra yearbooks will be for sale starting Wednesday, May 19th from 7:30am to 7:45am and during lunch times only. $35 cash or check made to Liberty Intermediate. First come first serve. When they are gone they are gone! Thanks!
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Cheerleading Tryouts
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Cheerleading Tryouts
Attention Parents of 4th and 5th Grade students: If your child is interested in trying out band and orchestra instruments, please fill out the Google forms that are linked on the email that was sent home in the beginning of the week! We look forward to meeting everyone!
about 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
about 3 years ago, Director of Technology
Liberty Intermediate - Track practice is canceled today due to the weather. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty Intermediate - This morning we had an impromptu fire drill at Liberty. We received wonderful feedback from the fire department on a job well done. Go Tigers!!!!
about 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty Intermediate - Good morning!!! Teacher appreciation week is next week! We are asking for donations to help make teacher appreciation week one of the best. Please select the link below to sign up to donate an item. We would really appreciate your help with this!!!! Have a great day and stay dry!
about 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
BESD#53 Families and Community, There will be a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education on Tuesday, April 27th at 7:00 PM. You will notice that we have made some changes with our virtual meeting setup. To watch the Board Meeting, there is now a button on the homepage labeled "Board Meeting Live Feed." This will connect you to watch the Board Meeting via YouTube. This is a view only stream. If you'd like to address the Board, we are asking you to come to the Board Meeting at the District Office (281 W. John Casey Rd.). We ask that you be present at the beginning of the meeting for the public comment portion of the agenda. At that time, you would then present your short statement and leave the meeting directly afterward as we are still restricted with the number of individuals allowed in the room. You may then watch the remainder of the meeting on the live stream. We look forward to the day when we can be back to a normal board meeting setup, but we are encouraged to be moving forward to this step for public comments. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Director of Technology
Congratulations to the following 6th grade volleyball ladies! 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 26
about 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty Intermediate Spirit Week for the week of April 26 to celebrate the conclusion of IAR!!! Monday 4/26 - Let’s get tropical - transport yourself to warm weather - must adhere to school dress code Tuesday 4/27 - Superhero Day - Harness your inner superhero Wacky Wednesday 4/28 -Wacky dress, hair, hats, shoes, etc Thursday 4/29- Peace and Love - Tie Dye Friday 4/30 Working towards the weekend - Workout attire
about 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Ms. Nevious's class went on a hiking and fishing adventure multiplying fractions through the path. So much fun on this snowy day!
about 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Nevious 1
Nevious 2
Liberty Intermediate - This link will assist with Volleyball try outs :)
about 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty Intermediate - Message from Nurse Monica, I would like to offer the school hearing and vision screenings to remote students who may benefit. If you want to opt for this screening please call (815) 929-5085 to set up an appointment. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Reminder to all Liberty parents, Liberty is hosting Smile Illinois mobile dentistry on May 17 & May 18 for Liberty students only. Please get the forms back to the nurse's office ASAP to be added to the roster. Thank you. Nurse Monica
about 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty Intermediate Announcement - Good Morning!!! Tomorrow, Wednesday April 14th is an early dismissal day. Students will be released at 11:45am. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty Intermediate - we are excited that we reopened yearbook orders. We received a good amount today. Please remember tomorrow is the VERY LAST day to order. Please send your student with the following information: Name, homeroom, parent name, phone number and cash or check made out to Image Group. You're also welcome to come to the office before 3:30pm to drop it off as well. The 20-21 school year had its challenges and we may not want to be reminded, however, it is a year that makes this yearbook a great sentiment for the future. If you are unsure if you ordered a yearbook initially, please call Image Group at 815-932-1230. Thanks so much!!!!
about 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak