The 5th grade Band, Orchestra and Choir Concert that was previously scheduled for January 21st will now be held at Bourbonnais Upper Grade Center on Monday, January 27th at 7:00 P.M.
3 days ago, Bret Pignatiello
Dear Bourbonnais Elementary School Families, Due to dangerously low temperatures expected during the morning hours on Tuesday, January 21st, we have made the decision to close schools to ensure the safety of our students and staff. Information regarding school activities and events will be communicated by our athletic director and/or coaches at a later time. Please stay safe and warm. Thank you for your understanding and support. Sincerely, Dr. Adam Ehrman Superintendent
6 days ago, BESD53 District Office
school Closure flyer
Dismissal has been delayed due to BUGC's band concert this afternoon. Please be patient while the buses will be running a little late. Thank you so much for your understanding.
about 2 months ago, Madyson Robbins
Liberty staff and students will participate in a fun spirit week NEXT week. Please take a look at what each day entails and let your teachers know if you have any questions. All costumes must be appropriate and adhere to all school rules; masks and weapons are prohibited.
about 2 months ago, Bret Pignatiello
Spirit Week
As the seasons change, so do some of the means for which our students get to school. Please see the attachments for all of the arrival/dismissal procedures. These procedures are created in collaboration with law enforcement to help ensure that our procedures are safe for all students at arrival and dismissal.
2 months ago, Bret Pignatiello
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures 24-25
Liberty Intermediate School achieved Exemplary status for academic achievement and school culture for the 2023-2024 school year. Please see the attached correspondence and take a more in-depth look at how this status is obtained. Please click on the embedded links to compare schools and look at the breakdown of Liberty's rating.
3 months ago, Bret Pignatiello
Summative Designation
Liberty Families: Today, Liberty staff and students will engage in ALICE Training. SRO Cox and administration lead the training in collaboration with staff and local law enforcement. The ALICE technique is a proactive approach to managing critical incidents in the school setting. The training is focused on analyzing scenarios, asking questions, and applying the ALICE method to specific scenarios.
3 months ago, Bret Pignatiello
Dear Parents/Guardians: Liberty students will be able to wear Halloween costumes to school on October 31st, if they would like. No masks, no hoods, no blood, no weapons and no inflatables. Costumes cannot include or represent anything lewd, violent, or vulgar. We will also have our quarter 1 ROAR assemblies on this day. The assemblies are to celebrate reaching our ROAR goal for the first quarter. The focus was on Respect. Students will participate in fun games and we will acknowledge standout students in the area of respect. The second quarter is focused on Organization. We will set a goal for the quarter and Work Habit grades are aligned to organization. Have a fun and safe Halloween.
3 months ago, Madyson Robbins
Dear Parents/Guardians: Liberty students will be able to wear Halloween costumes to school on October 31st, if they would like. No masks, no hoods, no blood, no weapons and no inflatables. Costumes cannot include or represent anything lewd, violent, or vulgar. We will also have our quarter 1 ROAR assemblies on this day. The assemblies are to celebrate reaching our ROAR goal for the first quarter. The focus was on Respect. Students will participate in fun games and we will acknowledge standout students in the area of respect. The second quarter is focused on Organization. We will set a goal for the quarter and Work Habit grades are aligned to organization. Have a fun and safe Halloween.
4 months ago, Bret Pignatiello
Please see the attached flyer.
4 months ago, Bret Pignatiello
Liberty spirit day!
4 months ago, Madyson Robbins
Great work Liberty Tigers!!! We just completed our unannounced fire drill with the Bourbonnais Fire Department. Our students and staff were "unbelievable" as described by Bourbonnais FD. Everyone was clear of the building quickly, and fully accounted for shortly after. Conducting these drills helps ensure we are prepared should a real emergency arise. Taking them seriously is important for Liberty students and staff.
5 months ago, Bret Pignatiello
All Clear. The Phones are back up in the district. Due to a server issue the phones are currently down in the district. Our emails and internet are available for regular contact. If you have an emergency and need to contact your students school or transportation department, please contact our emergency line at *redacted*. Thank you for your understanding.
5 months ago, BESD53 District Office
Good Evening, Transportation Assignments are now available in Skyward. When you log in, you will see a Transportation Tile on the home dashboard. If you do not see your tiles, ensure you are under the family access area ( look for the drop-down arrow in the top left, next to the house icon). Based on the uncertainty of all the adjustments that will occur prior to the start of school, please check back on your Transportation assignment on Tuesday, August 20, for possible time changes to your schedule. If you have any questions, please email Thank you,
5 months ago, BESD53 District Office
BESD53 Families, Schedules are now live in Skyward. Please be advised that bus routing information continues to be entered and updated. Up until the night before school, this should be checked for accurate times. If you do not see any bus routes, please check again on Friday Afternoon; the Transportation Department is continuing to update and enter these.
5 months ago, BESD53 District Office
Thank you to all families that have completed the registration process for the 24-25 school year. If you have not yet proven residency and completed registration for the school year, please contact (815-929-5000) the Liberty office immediately. Student schedules will be released next Wednesday and if you are not registered by then, your student account will become inactive in Skyward. Any student not registered by August 16th will not be eligible to start school on the first day as they will not have any teacher assignments or a schedule. School offices will not be available to register students between August 19th-21st. Late registrations will resume on August 22nd.
6 months ago, Bret Pignatiello
BESD53 will participate in the Free Summer Meals Program again this year. This program is open to all kids 18 or younger in Kankakee County. Breakfast and Lunch will be served Monday through Friday, June 4 - June 28th at Alan Shepard and July 1 - August 16th at the Upper Grade Center. Please see the Flyer for further details!
8 months ago, BESD53 District Office
Free Sumer Meals Flyer
Free Summer Meals FLyer-SPanish
VP Office Referral today at Liberty! Keep up the good work and keep showing off your R.O.A.R!
9 months ago, Madyson Robbins
student smiling with principal and chief resource officer
Liberty Parents/Guardians: Please check your email for an important reminder about IAR testing next week.
10 months ago, Bret Pignatiello
Good morning, Liberty students and staff will not be viewing the eclipse collectively as a building. There may be some individual classes throughout the district that have elected to do so, which requires a written permission slip to be signed by parents. The eclipse timeframe is between 12:50-3:21pm. Please remind your children not to look directly at the sun when we are dismissing at the end of the day. We will be making an announcement here at school stating this as well. We understand that parents may also want to take additional precautions and keep their child at home. Please call the office and notify our secretaries of the absence.
10 months ago, Bret Pignatiello