Liberty Tigers had their kickoff assemblies today to discuss ROAR and our behavior expectations for the school year. ROAR stands for Respectful, Organized, Accountable, Responsible. Quarterly, we will focus on each one of the attributes to help ensure our success here at Liberty. Students receive grades for their Work Habits and this quarter they are tied to being Respectful. The goal is to have 75% of our students receive a 3 as a Work Habits grade. Staff members were great sports and allowed students to pie them in the face. Student participation was essential during the Q&A sessions and throughout the assembly. A big thank you to our Tiger Leadership Team members that lead skits during the assemblies. Let's go Tigers! We are Team Liberty!
over 2 years ago, Bret Pignatiello
Tiger Leadership Team
Mr. Robinson, Mr. Pignatiello, SRO Garcia, Mr. Burton
Mrs. Maciejewski
Check out these Liberty MVPs! Nora DeYoung, Ethan Regas, and Tyler Welch each earned a positive office referral for going above and beyond to help out a peer. We are very proud of these 6th graders for leading by example and for being the first MVPs of the 21-22 School Year. Keep up the good work!
over 2 years ago, Marissa Maciejewski
Ethan Tyler
Liberty Intermediate 5th Grade- Liberty ELA students working together in a "jigsaw" strategy. Students were becoming experts on sections of text in preparation to share their expertise with their "Home" group. Great job 5th graders!
over 2 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty Transportation Update: Bus 11 is running behind by approximately 10 minutes. Thank you for your understanding as we attempt to manage the driver shortage.
over 2 years ago, Bret Pignatiello
Bus schedules were mailed last week. If you haven't received your schedule, you should receive it in the mail today or tomorrow. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty Announcement - If your student is not fully registered by tomorrow morning, your student will be unenrolled. Please finish all the registration steps in Skyward and upload all required documents. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty Scheduling Update: Skyward schedules are live for viewing. Please log into you account to view your student's schedules. Also, a reminder that 4th grade Open House is Wednesday evening from 5:30-7:00. You will need to reference your student's schedule to report to their Homeroom for a brief presentation. Those presentations will begin in each homeroom around 6:00pm. Please bring school supplies at this time to put in the classroom. You are also free to walk your student's schedules to help them get a better feel for the building. If you have not completed registration, please do so promptly before your account is rendered inactive. If you have not yet completed registration, you can come to the Liberty office between 7:00-3:00 on weekdays. Liberty office staff will NOT be available for registration on Open House nights.
almost 3 years ago, Bret Pignatiello
Liberty Intermediate - Please feel free to bring student supplies to open house. Please remember to put your students name on all items. Scheduling is close to completion and we will be announcing when that information is available as we know students and parents are eager to know their homeroom teacher. We hope you are all enjoying your summer and we are excited to see you soon!
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty Intermediate OPEN HOUSE DATES/TIMES (revised 8/2/21) ***Due to potential conflicts with community events, we needed to make tweaks to the scheduled times. We want to try an help ensure as much participation for families as possible. We appreciate your understanding.*** -4th Grade Wednesday, August 18th 5:30pm-7:00pm -5th Grade Tuesday, August 24th 6pm - 7pm -6th Grade Tuesday, August 24th 7pm - 8pm
almost 3 years ago, Bret Pignatiello
Liberty Intermediate Parents: Tomorrow, Monday July 12th from 8:30am - 2:30pm Mrs. Tezak will be in the Liberty Office to help with any questions regarding registration and any other needs. Feel free to call or come in for assistance. 815-929-5000. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Skyward Maintenance Completed: Skyward Family Access and Online Registration are back up and available. Thank you for your patience!
almost 3 years ago, Director of Technology
Skyward Maintenance: On Thursday, July 8th, 2021, Skyward Family Access and Online Registration will be unavailable while our Technology team converts us to the new 2021-2022 school year. Another notice will be posted when it is available again. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Director of Technology
In-Person School Registration Event When: July 28th between 2pm-7pm Where: District Office, 281 W John Casey Rd. Who: Anyone new to the district or anyone that has registration or residency questions may attend. Registration can be completed online for returning students. Anyone who can not attend the District Registration event will need to make an appointment with the school secretary to get their students registered. Scheduled appointments are necessary for registration at the District Office.
almost 3 years ago, Bret Pignatiello
Liberty Intermediate Supply Lists - 4th, 5th & 6 th
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
5th Grade
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Cross country
Cross country
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
LIBERTY INTERMEDIATE SUMMER OFFICE HOURS - Our Summer hours are 8am to 2pm Monday through Thursday and 8am to noon on Friday. If you need to come to the office for any reason we encourage you to call first just to be sure someone is here at that moment. Thank you so much! Hope all students are enjoying the hot weather!
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Liberty Intermediate Last Day Fun! Part 2
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Last day 5
Last Day 6
Last day 7
Last day 8
Liberty Intermediate Last Day Fun!
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak
Last day 1
Last day 2
Last day 3
Last day 4
Liberty Intermediate - We would like to recognize our Principal's Award Winners from this year: Timothy Martinez (not pictured), Reagan Jones, Diva Mercado, and Kylie Stanek. Each year students are nominated by their teachers based on their leadership skills, academic achievement, involvement in the school community, and their overall character. Since we were not able to attend the traditional ceremony, we decided to prepare a nice breakfast for our recipients. We had minimal leftovers so I think they enjoyed it. We are so proud of each one of you!
almost 3 years ago, Krystal Tezak